A Holistic Approach to Business Continuity

On Wednesday, October 23, 2019, we had the pleasure of presenting at the annual Bahamas Institue of Internal Auditors Annual Seminar. The presentation centered around the need for the convergence of Likihood Management and Consequence  Management. Traditionally Business Continuity Plans are pulled out after the fact and primarily used as a tool to manage incidents […]

……and invasion of sorts

The continued insertions by ‘illegal’ immigrants into the Bahamas continue have serious implications on the state of National Security. Undoubtedly our archepelgic make up is not easy to police and secure, this lesson is not new. However, there are numerous modern tools available that can assist in mitigating this exposure. These incidents are nothing short […]


From time to time organizations experience various events that disrupt business and their ability to give service, subsequently impeding revenue streams. The challenge is, knowing when these events will occur and which event is going to occur. Certainly if these variables were known then risk management would not be such a daunting task. These incident […]

The Importance of Access Control

Access control a critical component in any security operation, and should not be marginalized. An understanding of the key concepts of access control , should look at such things as; 1. natural surveillance,2. territorial reinforcement,3. management and maintenance functions4. legitimate activity support, These theories can be put in to practice by the crime prevention planner, […]

Crisis Incident Management – A Team Approach

Course Overview The Crisis Incident Management Team (CIMT) is a designated group of senior individuals responsible for overall management of a potentially disastrous event. Typical this group is responsible for determining the need to invoke business continuity plans, coordination communications with major stake holders, tracking response and recovery task and assuring executives that the business […]

Security Does Not Stop at the Gate

The greatest challenge with access control is that successful businesses want people to come inside and purchase merchandise, or benefit from a particular service. Whether it is 1st and main street, or a World Wide Web address, an open invitation is given to all to ‘come on in’. In addition, these businesses need full-time staff, […]

Files: Tax watchdogs will not stop shifting the goal post The head of an international investigative firm, L. Burke Files, told Guardian Businessthat international financial watchdogs will not stop shifting the goal post on tax regulation and financial sector regulation until there is a “one-world regulatory regime and a one-world tax regime”. Files said bodies like […]

RBPF opens new tactical training facility

Community, Law enforcement, LocalJanuary 29, 2019January 29, 2019Theo Sealy NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Officers of the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) now have full access to a brand new, state-of-the-art, tactical training facility which will aid in upping training initiatives for the police force. Anthony Ferguson, Police Commissioner, officially opened the new facility on Monday afternoon. The control […]

BUSINESS CONTINUITY: Contingency Planing for Information Systems

Course Overview Contingency planning (CP) refers to planning activities that are associated with preparation for and recovering from an outage of an organization’s information system. CP activities could result from disasters or mishaps that are in the form of either man-made or natural disasters. Whether an organization faces a devastating hurricane, a critical communication line […]