
Lyndon Bird, FBCI, Director
Lyndon Bird was joint founder of Continuity Planning Associates (CPA) in the Netherlands in 1986, having previously been involved with IT Disaster Recovery as Systems Director of a large US multi-national. As well as his role in CPA, he is Global Technical Director of the Business Continuity Institute (BCI). He is a member of BCM/1 which is the technical committee that developed BS25999 – the British Standard for Business Continuity.
He is a Fellow of the BCI, Editor of “Journal of Business Continuity and Emergency Planning” and Technical Advisor to IRCA (International Register of Certified Auditors). He works closely with the UK Cabinet Office, Bank of England and Financial Services Authority in providing input to their BCM thinking. His articles and comments are regularly published and he appears often as a BCM expert on all major UK TV and radio networks.
His consultancy projects include work in a range of business areas including Finance, Retail, Manufacturing, Insurance and Telecoms. Through his diverse roles, he worked in most parts of the world on BCM related activities, particularly providing high level advice on strategy selection, and management awareness of BCM standards.