Security Does Not Stop at the Gate

The greatest challenge with access control is that successful businesses want people to come inside and purchase merchandise, or benefit from a particular service. Whether it is 1st and main street, or a World Wide Web address, an open invitation is given to all to ‘come on in’. In addition, these businesses need full-time staff, […]

Files: Tax watchdogs will not stop shifting the goal post The head of an international investigative firm, L. Burke Files, told Guardian Businessthat international financial watchdogs will not stop shifting the goal post on tax regulation and financial sector regulation until there is a “one-world regulatory regime and a one-world tax regime”. Files said bodies like […]

RBPF opens new tactical training facility

Community, Law enforcement, LocalJanuary 29, 2019January 29, 2019Theo Sealy NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Officers of the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) now have full access to a brand new, state-of-the-art, tactical training facility which will aid in upping training initiatives for the police force. Anthony Ferguson, Police Commissioner, officially opened the new facility on Monday afternoon. The control […]

BUSINESS CONTINUITY: Contingency Planing for Information Systems

Course Overview Contingency planning (CP) refers to planning activities that are associated with preparation for and recovering from an outage of an organization’s information system. CP activities could result from disasters or mishaps that are in the form of either man-made or natural disasters. Whether an organization faces a devastating hurricane, a critical communication line […]

Advanced Money Laundering: The Bahamas

COURSE OVERVIEW Considering that the jurisdiction is under heavy scrutiny and monitoring it is critical that the organizational and national monitors are equipped with real world experiences that have proven to be successful in their application. The Advanced AML has been designed for professionals that have a bit of time and sophistication with money laundering. The […]

BUSINESS CONTINUITY: Hurricane Readiness Management

COURSE OVERVIEW Two keys to server weather safety and survival are to prepare for the risks and to act on those preparations when alerted by emergency officials. Our geographical location, geological make up, and availability of resources, requires that organizations be even more prepared for the onset of these potentially devastating weather phenomenon. The ability […]

OECD-Countries Themselves are the Main Beneficiaries of RCBI-Programs

The OECD recently “blacklisted” 21 jurisdictions on the pretext that their CBI/RBI programs might be used to circumvent the Common Reporting Standards (CRS). The OECD’s report stated: “While residence and citizenship by investment (CBI/RBI) schemes allow individuals to obtain citizenship or residence rights through local investments or against a flat fee for perfectly legitimate reasons, […]

When to Evacuate?

The decision to evacuate is a very quick and determined one; there is usually no time for a second opinion or consultation. The risks are high and the assets, be they human, information or property, are too valuable to chance hesitation and uncertainty. As true as this statement is, our research has shown that many […]


It is in this area that the unique skills of the professional assets protection manager can be effectively utilized. Rather than wait for the losses to occur, management should actively work to create a climate in which every employee accepts personal responsibility for the integrity of the work area. Supervisors should be instructed to report […]


The modern business enterprise has fundamentally changed many traditional checks and balances present in the older system. The dependence on information technology and database systems has brought with it significant changes in internal controls and loss control techniques. Essential business information is concentrated in fewer hands, and the potential risk of major losses has been […]