Advanced Anti-Money Laundering The Bahamas

Course Overview Considering that the jurisdiction is under heavy scrutiny and monitoring it is critical that the organizational and national monitors are equipped with real world experiences that have proven to be successful in their application. The Advanced AML has been designed for professionals that have a bit of time and sophistication with money laundering. The […]

BUSINESS CONTINUITY – Hurricane Readiness Management

Course Overview Our geographical location, geological makeup, and limited availability of resources require that organizations be even more prepared for the onset of these potentially devastating weather phenomenon. The ability to manage readiness, response, and recovery, is critical to the safeguarding of life, property, operations, and reputation. Timely resumption of business functions demonstrates to stakeholders […]

Crisis Incident Management – A Team Approach

  Course Overview The Crisis Incident Management Team (CIMT) is a designated group of senior individuals responsible for the overall management of a potentially disastrous event. Typical this group is responsible for determining the need to invoke business continuity plans, coordination communications with major stakeholders, tracking response and recovery tasks and assuring executives that the […]

Pay now or pay later…

Take control of loss and disruptive events………manage response and recovery.

Hurricane season begins June 1, 2020

Easier said than done……., but we must be in a constant state of readines. Here is why!

Reviewing Disaster Causation Factors

When reviewing disaster causation factors be they man made or natural occurrences. It must take in to account ‘willfull blindness’ and how it impacts the criticality of the occurrence. To say an event is unexpected suggests that we did not know and have no foreknowledge. This is an extremely difficult position to maintain when it […]

A Holistic Approach to Business Continuity

On Wednesday, October 23, 2019, we had the pleasure of presenting at the annual Bahamas Institue of Internal Auditors Annual Seminar. The presentation centered around the need for the convergence of Likihood Management and Consequence  Management. Traditionally Business Continuity Plans are pulled out after the fact and primarily used as a tool to manage incidents […]

……and invasion of sorts

The continued insertions by ‘illegal’ immigrants into the Bahamas continue have serious implications on the state of National Security. Undoubtedly our archepelgic make up is not easy to police and secure, this lesson is not new. However, there are numerous modern tools available that can assist in mitigating this exposure. These incidents are nothing short […]

Certified Protection Officer

Are You Ready? The CPO program is designed for individuals who wish to learn more and enhance their competencies about the security/asset protection profession.  It is  an excellent jump-start to an exciting, rewarding  and respected career. The security profession operates in a constantly changing environment and must provide a wide range of preventative, readiness, and […]


From time to time organizations experience various events that disrupt business and their ability to give service, subsequently impeding revenue streams. The challenge is, knowing when these events will occur and which event is going to occur. Certainly if these variables were known then risk management would not be such a daunting task. These incident […]