Advanced Money Laundering: The Bahamas

COURSE OVERVIEW Considering that the jurisdiction is under heavy scrutiny and monitoring it is critical that the organizational and national monitors are equipped with real world experiences that have proven to be successful in their application. The Advanced AML has been designed for professionals that have a bit of time and sophistication with money laundering. The […]

BUSINESS CONTINUITY: Hurricane Readiness Management

COURSE OVERVIEW Two keys to server weather safety and survival are to prepare for the risks and to act on those preparations when alerted by emergency officials. Our geographical location, geological make up, and availability of resources, requires that organizations be even more prepared for the onset of these potentially devastating weather phenomenon. The ability […]

When to Evacuate?

The decision to evacuate is a very quick and determined one; there is usually no time for a second opinion or consultation. The risks are high and the assets, be they human, information or property, are too valuable to chance hesitation and uncertainty. As true as this statement is, our research has shown that many […]


It is in this area that the unique skills of the professional assets protection manager can be effectively utilized. Rather than wait for the losses to occur, management should actively work to create a climate in which every employee accepts personal responsibility for the integrity of the work area. Supervisors should be instructed to report […]


The modern business enterprise has fundamentally changed many traditional checks and balances present in the older system. The dependence on information technology and database systems has brought with it significant changes in internal controls and loss control techniques. Essential business information is concentrated in fewer hands, and the potential risk of major losses has been […]

Access Control and You

Access control a critical component in any security operation, and should not be marginalized. An understanding of the key concepts of access control , should look at such things as; 1. natural surveillance, 2. territorial reinforcement, 3. management and maintenance functions 4. legitimate activity support, These theories can be put in to practice by the […]

We must learn from past tragedy, by preparing for it!

What is the purpose of your business, should it die with you or should it continue regardless of the disasters or tragic events that may present themselves? What have you determined to be a disaster for your business? If you are not prepared then the answer to these questions become difficult and in some instances […]

What is your Company’s Pandemic Policy? Maybe you already have one…

“Given our heavy reliance on tourism and the daily initiatives to increase visitor arrivals, we become prone to the undetected entry of contagious sickness…” When I was first introduced to business continuity in the early 2000’s the buzz word was the H1N1 / H5N1/ avian influenza, better known as the bird flu. Many major global […]

Evacuations: How Are We Going to Get Out?

“They coming by boat, they coming by plane, they coming in wheel chair, and walking with cane” is a line taken from a popular Bahamian song that has nothing to do with evacuations, but never the less speaks volumes to what can be expected during an evacuation event. It really asks the question, have you […]