Access Control and You

Access control a critical component in any security operation, and should not be marginalized. An understanding of the key concepts of access control , should look at such things as; 1. natural surveillance, 2. territorial reinforcement, 3. management and maintenance functions 4. legitimate activity support, These theories can be put in to practice by the […]

We must learn from past tragedy, by preparing for it!

What is the purpose of your business, should it die with you or should it continue regardless of the disasters or tragic events that may present themselves? What have you determined to be a disaster for your business? If you are not prepared then the answer to these questions become difficult and in some instances […]

What is your Company’s Pandemic Policy? Maybe you already have one…

“Given our heavy reliance on tourism and the daily initiatives to increase visitor arrivals, we become prone to the undetected entry of contagious sickness…” When I was first introduced to business continuity in the early 2000’s the buzz word was the H1N1 / H5N1/ avian influenza, better known as the bird flu. Many major global […]

Evacuations: How Are We Going to Get Out?

“They coming by boat, they coming by plane, they coming in wheel chair, and walking with cane” is a line taken from a popular Bahamian song that has nothing to do with evacuations, but never the less speaks volumes to what can be expected during an evacuation event. It really asks the question, have you […]

National Crime Reporting Network (NCRN)

The current state of affairs as it relates to crime and social disobedience in the Bahamas is far from normal. We are seeing and hearing of behavior that leaves a lot to be desired about the future and well-being of the nation. This statement is mine and is supported by the fact that the murder […]

Proactive security in a hostile and violent Bahamas

Executive Protection: Having – Wanting – Needing? On November 22, 2013 the United States marked the 50th anniversary of the assignation of John F. Kennedy. 50 years later there still remain unanswered questions regarding the circumstances surrounding this event. Without a doubt this was one of the darkest moments in America’s history and certainly the […]